There can be no dominion until a domain is established. So, what is a domain? Simply put, a domain is an area of territory owned or controlled by a ruler or government (online dictionary). Your domain is wherever you have control through ownership or rulership. And that is where you have authority and dominion. According …
Author: Sam Falola
Why Your Path in Life is Special.
God has made everything really simple in order to make life easy for us. It is how we approach and interpret spiritual things that creates a form of complexity in our minds. For instance, it is easy to understand that diamonds are precious; it takes a lot of effort to produce a piece of it. …
The Rarely Known Path (Part 2).
We all have a special path to tread to fulfill our purpose in life. First, let’s emphasize the fact that our paths are rooted in Jesus. He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6); and without Him, no one can have access to the Father. It is of great importance to understand …
God’s Platform.
God’s platform is a validation of our call. Two definitions of platform apply to this message – 1) A raised structure that people stand on when making speeches or give a performance. 2) A body of principles on which a person or group takes a stand in appealing to the public. ( From the first definition, …
The Rarely Known Path (Part 1).
The path that God set before us is the path of wisdom. It is a precious and hidden path. It is also a rarely known path until God reveals it to us. He knows and understands all things. That is why our path is rarely discovered by men.“That path no bird knows, nor has the …
The Confirmation (Part 4): Spiritual Maturity.
I will be highlighting two important aspects of the prophecy we have been discussing for the past few weeks. These two highlights sum up into one thing – our spiritual maturity. The Lord said, “…I will take you into the mature things.” First thing to note is that there must be a good reason why God …
God – The Pilot to Trust.
“Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He’s the one who will keep you on track.” Proverbs 3:5-7 (The Message). In the month of July, I traveled across the globe and returned home the first …
The Confirmation (Part 3): The Gift of Prophesy – Edification, Exhortation & Comfort
“But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men. He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.” 1 Corinthians 14:3-5 The gift of prophesy fits into the above scripture. It is the testimony of the Lord; and that is the Word (John 5:39, Revelation 19:10). The …
The Confirmation (Part 2): The Gift of Prophesy.
In the last post I highlighted one of the occasions that Jesus Christ confirmed His ministry in Luke 4. I will share the prophesy God gave me as a confirmation for ministerial call. On the 20th of November 2015, the Lord gave me a prophesy that I didn’t fully understand. Prophesy is one of the …
The Confirmation (Part 1): Jesus’s Ministry Confirmed.
I want to share some of the things God has revealed to me in the area of ministerial assignment. Some of the information are personal; but since it was God’s confirmation for me, I believe others can also learn from it. The intent is to encourage you, and most importantly that the Holy Spirit will …