We all have a special path to tread to fulfill our purpose in life. First, let’s emphasize the fact that our paths are rooted in Jesus. He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6); and without Him, no one can have access to the Father.
It is of great importance to understand that our paths are connected to an eternal purpose in God. Our lives are not separated from God’s agenda. If we continue to play games with our purpose, we are terribly wasting time and causing the plan of God to linger. Our rarely known path is hidden and precious. We should be very eager to discover it.
God’s path for us is what makes us different and distinctive from others. Why is it distinctive? It is because of the grace and ability of God in us. This isn’t a form of superiority over people, but an indication that we have a peculiar ability given to us to function in our specific purpose. Even though we seek and serve the same God (Jehovah), we all still have our unique paths to follow. If we consciously observe our lives, it will surprise us that we have so many things that differentiate us from others. Paul considered himself as a master builder according to the grace of God in his life. There is a certain attribute which qualified him as a master builder. It was God’s grace in his life that set him apart (1 Corinthian 3). And God’s grace is available to us as well.
In Daniel 6:3, we see that Daniel also had a distinctive path – “Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm.” His gifts and the grace of God gave him a voice and an excellent spirit. This was not a common gift found in every Hebrew boy in Babylon. Daniel however had that special gift because his assignment required that grace.
Remember that although your path is a rarely known one, it is clearly known to God who designed it. And uncommon gift, grace, ability, strength, and intelligence await you when you take time to discover that path.
There is also a reward for finding your path. “If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.” (1 Corinthians 3:14-15). Now, Paul, the master builder, asserted that there is a reward for our labors and that our works shall be tested by God. Until you find and understand your path you might be laboring in vain. God will not reward us for running another person’s race. That would be unjust. Wandering onto another man’s path is a waste of our precious lifetime. This could place us in the category of those whose works did not meet God’s standard for reward.
Here is a word to encourage us as we desire to seek and know our paths. I hope it will edify us. “Come, come with boldness. Come in the fullness of heart. Come, come without being afraid. I’m calling you to come so I can show you great and mighty things that you do not know. My Spirit will show you great and mighty things that you do not know but you have to come boldly. You have to be courageous in My presence. My Spirit is in you. My grace is upon you. There is nothing you need to be afraid of. I am the Lord and I change not. And I ask My own to come to Me. Come to the feast of God. Come, come to the feast of the Lord. The table is set before you in the presence of your enemy. Your head is lifted-up, the anointing of the Lord is poured upon you. The Lord your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness.”
The Lord doesn’t want us to be estranged from Him. As a matter of fact, He wants us to approach Him with courage and great boldness of heart. “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16). He wants to show us awesome and precious things not known to others. We however need courage to step into that place in God where we can access what He has for us. There’s no need to doubt or fear. His Spirit is with us to guide us into the deep things of God.
Understanding our path is crucial to fulfilling our purpose. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into God’s revelations for your life. Don’t keep God waiting.