Have Dominion!

There can be no dominion until a domain is established. So, what is a domain? Simply put, a domain is an area of territory owned or controlled by a ruler or government (online dictionary). Your domain is wherever you have control through ownership or rulership. And that is where you have authority and dominion. 

According to the Bible, God created man in His image and likeness (Genesis 1). He commanded man (male and female) to have dominion over everything He created. The reality of this command baffled the mind of an author that he asked, why God is so thoughtful of man that He gave him dominion over all the works of His hands (Psalm 8). 

So why did God decide to give us dominion over everything He created? Well, why wouldn’t He? God is the Chief Executive Officer of the entire Creation Incorporation. He knew there would be no need to run to and fro the earth like the devil to manipulate things just to be in control. He already made us in His own image and likeness, so we can have the same potential and abilities and be in the position to rule and function like Him. In other words, we have the capabilities to create our own domain on earth just as God created all of creation. We are the only ones given that privilege to have dominion. He did not give angels or animals this privilege; just us.   

The World Wide Web is the place where information of all sorts can be found. It’s where various forms of business transactions and several activities are facilitated within seconds. The internet made it possible for people all over the world to connect. For anyone to have a name on the world wide web you need to have your own domain name. This gives you your own space in the web where the world gains access to your territory to learn and access your products and services. Your domain is where the world can see and understand your creativity. Whatever you are producing, people across the globe can communicate or initiate transactions with you because you have your own domain on the internet. And most importantly, this is your domain, so you own it. 

The contents of your domain are your creation. It is your global platform and it is what gives you dominion on the world wide web. It becomes your representation. You can’t create content on anyone else’s domain; just yours. You can only be a guest for a while on another person’s domain. It is only in your domain that you can fully rule without end, because it is yours and it is therefore the place of your dominion.

But you need to create and own the concept and the intellectual property displayed on your domain before having dominion. There must ideally be authentic products or services that you are offering to the world through your domain. 

Having dominion can be correlated with having an established internet domain. 

The potential that God gave us enables us to rule and harness the wisdom of God to create our domain for dominion. With this inherent potential, we can change the earth to our mini-empire or kingdom. We should therefore not be surprised at how man has tamed animals like whales, lions, and other wild animals. We have also utilized our creative ability in defying the law of gravity through the invention of the airplane. We have even traveled to space. We have navigated the ocean, and channeled water for irrigation and dams to serve our daily needs. We have built bridges over the waters and constructed houses on the lakes, as we exercise our control over nature. In the same manner, we also harnessed the power of the sun to generate heat, creating solar energy. Man has also ruled over the world of diseases and sickness; we’ve created medicines powerful enough to eliminate bacteria and viruses in our systems. Every discovery made by us is the path to our dominion!

Those exploits mentioned above were discoveries of some few individuals who conquered those territories and established dominion. Therefore until we make our own personal discovery we will have no dominion. What God expects of us is to create our world amid the earth we live. In case you are wondering how we can attain this excellent feat of having dominion on earth, let me tell you it is not impossible. The main requirement is to dig deep and discover the abilities within us. Once we discover our potentials we will then translate those ideas, revelations, and principles into tangible reality here on earth. That is how we create our domain so we can have dominion. 

Until you create your domain you don’t have dominion. 

You can rule and reign from your domain and make rules as you want them. It is the world you created based on your potentials. The world can connect with you at your domain every second of the day. However you have to discover the potential and ideas in you that will enable you to create the domain which will qualify you for dominion. Your ideas can rule the world; they have the potential to create dominion for you on earth. Your purpose in life will do the same; as well as your dreams and vision. These are all the resources of God in us to give us dominion here on earth. And you can have dominion!