Why You Need to be Productive.

Productivity is one of the principles of life. An unproductive life is a disaster. It is actually a destruction of the potential and purpose we were designed to fulfill. On the other hand, productivity emanates beauty in the life and purpose of every human and living thing. Among other things, we can agree that the beauty of a child is to become a mature adult and be ready to take on life’s responsibilities. Without essential growth, a child will not be fit to accomplish his/her purpose in life that goes with age and maturity. Our development into a mature person is the beauty of growth. The development of mental and physical features become an essential parts of growth that prepare us for the change in the world.

In the same notion, we appreciate the beauty of a seed when the fruits emerge. It is in the potential of a seed to produce more fruits which in turn will carry thousands of seeds. We can therefore agree that a seed will provide more quantity and value that exceeds its original capability. A seed produces a tree. A tree produces multiple fruits; as many as hundreds. And each of those fruits has multiple seeds in them. This is the power of multiplication that drives productivity.

The whole purpose of a seed is to produce fruits. If a seed is not multiplying, then the world will be missing all the derivatives of that seed’s fruits. There will be no orange, orange juice, orange zest, or orange tea, without the orange seed. Within each one of us is a realistic seed with the potential to produce multiples of fruits. It is our individual responsibility to cultivate the seed(s) and devote all of our effort to make sure it produces fruits accordingly.

Exploring our productivity is not as simple as it may seem. There are processes and responsibilities involved. Nonetheless, the price and discipline required are worth the discovery of the treasures hidden within us. If we could only understand or have a glimpse into what the outcome of becoming productive will be, then we will be determined to pay any price to attain it. No price is too high and no sacrifice is too unimaginable to pay to see the seed in us emerge. Our journey to fulfillment in life does not begin until we become productive. We will never realize the greatness in us until we become fully productive. And we have what it takes because we are called to have dominion and be fruitful in life.

We can see the power of our productivity in this example of a cocoa seed.  Chocolate is the product of cocoa seeds (Theobroma caoca). And those seeds produce numerous fruits that also have within them multiple seeds. From these multiple fruits which produce multiple seeds, is where we have our chocolate products of which the retail sales for 2015 were $101 billion worldwide. In 2015/2016 about 7.3 million tons of retail confectionery chocolates were consumed worldwide, and expected to reach approximately 7.7 million tons by 2018/2019 (statista.com). In the same way that chocolate from cocoa can provide tremendous impact and influence the taste, gesture, affection, and profits of millions of people across the globe, so do your untapped ideas and undiscovered talents have the potential to make a great difference in the world.

Jesus Christ while teaching the multitude said, “The kingdom of heaven is like something precious buried in a field, which a man found and hid again; then in his joy, he goes and sells all he has and buys that field.” Matthew 13:44.

According to Bruce Barton, “Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance.” Our potential is superior to any circumstance because it is God’s idea and not ours. There should not be anything as important and relevant to any person in this life than to fully discover who they are at all cost. That is the beginning of a meaningful and purposeful life.

What price are you willing to pay to become the productive person you were designed to be? Your true understanding of the depth of the treasure hidden in you will provoke your self-realization. Your potential greatness surpasses anything you can ever imagine. The world waits eagerly to see and experience who you are and the power of your greatness. After releasing your creative wisdom and productive intelligence the world will experience a shift. Your product will impact an unexpected change. Believe it!

The universe’s biography is not complete if the story of your productivity and greatness are missing. Consider yourself as having the potential to create unlimited source of joy, happiness, peace, fulfillment, hope, and success for others. If chocolate can bring a smile to the face of people and can grace occasions like birthdays, valentine’s day, and produce jobs for billions, you should know that you are more valued than chocolate will ever be. However, it won’t be known until the world meets your power of productivity.

Believe that you have what it takes to storm the world. That is the power of your productivity. Right now imagine the products of your life generating values (spiritually, mentally and financially), more than what the cocoa seed has accomplished. It is possible if you believe and pay attention to your passion, ideas, and the talents within you.