The Confirmation (Part 3): The Gift of Prophesy – Edification, Exhortation & Comfort

But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men. He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.”  1 Corinthians 14:3-5

The gift of prophesy fits into the above scripture. It is the testimony of the Lord; and that is the Word (John 5:39, Revelation 19:10). The gift is simply to bring the message of encouragement, enlightenment, and reassurance from the presence of God by the Holy Spirit. That is why Paul emphasized the need to covet it, because the church will benefit from it.

I encourage you to do so as the Holy Spirit opens your spirit to reveal the mind of the Lord through prophesy. The prophesy below reveals the mind of the Lord to confirm what He wanted me to know.

“This is something new that I’m doing, and it cannot fail. I have established it already. I have sanctified you. In the days that are ahead, as I have shown you, there will be terrible days. Big days of disorder are ahead in nations and places; but as I have said before, you will not fear or panic. I will reveal things that I have not shown to the eyes of men. I will show you things that the ears of men have not heard. But it will require you to strengthen the brethren that will be full of panic…”

From the prophesy above, the new thing is the assignment and the mission the Lord has for me. There is also the assurance and encouragement that the work will not fail. He has established it already, which means it is according to His agenda and His will. While He warned about the chaos that is coming ahead and those that are existing already, He also warned to not be afraid or panic. He knows that fear is a weapon in the hand of the enemy, and God has not given us the spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind.

The bible says that when the Lord speaks, He shall speak peace. Anxiety and fear are pointers that the presence of God is lacking, whether that be in our life or the word we are receiving. But the warning is worth paying attention to that there is no need to fear. Fear is an enemy of faith, and without faith we cannot please God (Hebrews 11).

The Lord further revealed why people will live in fear and panic –

“… men will run from coast to coast in fear, being terrified and not knowing what to do. My aim and purpose are not to make them afraid or fear, but if they would have listened to every word that is written and the words that I’ve spoken through my prophets they will not be afraid. That is the word they would need to listen to and you will need to reiterate the same to their spirits.” 

Why will people live in fear and panic? It is because of the lack of the true knowledge of God’s word, as well as not paying attention to those God has sent to them. Proverbs 2:24-26 says, “Because I have called and you refused, I have stretched out my hand and no one regarded, 25 Because you disdained all my counsel, and would have none of my rebuke, 26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your terror comes,”

Until we pay maximum attention to the word of God we are bound to fall into calamity. Darkness has covered the earth and gross darkness the people, but God has prepared us as a light to shine in the midst on the darkness.

Those called to fulfill this assignment will be equipped by God and they will have access to God’s divine revelations. And their access to the revelation of God will be unlimited because of the degree of their responsibilities. 1 Corinthians 2:10 states, 10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God…”

The word of God is our final authority in all things. Spiritual gifts and the manifestations of the Spirit must be in line with the word of the Lord. To stay balanced in the scripture, every revelation must be subject to the test of the word of God. If the word of God and the Holy Spirit do not bear witness, then there is a concern.

The essence of the gift of prophesy is to reveal the mind of God and prepare us for what is coming ahead. But it will always speak the mind of the Lord and it will always be put to test by the word of God.