I stumbled on a traditional African gospel song last week that always inspires me to pray. I was listening to the story of the songwriter/musician, and he explained how he had been into music for over 16 years with no success. But one day while attending a large prayer gathering, he met a man who …
Author: Sam Falola
With Understanding comes Independence.
A long time ago, nations like Great Britain, Portugal and France colonized and ruled over several African nations for decades. However, as time went on, those African nations clamored for their independence from their colonial masters. They did this because they wanted the right to be self-governed and self-sufficient. What prompted the idea of independence …
Our Arsenal.
It can be scary to think that our battle is a continuous one; but the fact is we are not fighting against flesh and blood (human elements). Our battle is against deception and the lies of the enemy presented in a rational way to capture our imagination and hold us captive. Nevertheless, we have a …
Fighting Strategically.
It is a fact that we are in the middle of a battle. And it a battle with a merciless enemy. The last post was on the battles before us and our engagements in warfare. This battle is not coming to an end anytime soon, so we cannot be deceived into attempting to relax. Strategic …
Let the Battle Begin!
The greatest battle to be fought is currently ongoing, and it will continue until the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our fight is with the father of lies; that is the devil himself and all his manipulative ways. Even in this very moment, you are right in the middle of this battle. It …
The Uncommon Things of God.
Christians whose main goal is to make it to heaven are probably making the greatest mistake. This is because heaven is not a believers’ destination. If you are a Christian your destination is God and not heaven. Yes, God is your destination. The difference between the narrow and the wide gates is one leads to …
What is Your Resolve?
Recently, I have been caught up in many things because of the pressure to be successful in my ministry. I found myself juggling a few things and little by little it was getting clearer that I will burn myself out if I continue that way. There is no written manual that shows how God wants …
Knowledge is the Secret!
The secret to everything in this life is the fact that there are no secrets; but there are discoveries. So what is the secret to successful living other than to find the ways to be successful in one’s endeavors? What is the secret to greatness other than to discover what greatness is and how some …
From the beginning of this year, I have dwelt on a message titled “God’s Creative Threshold.” What I learned from this inspired message is the fact that God is creative, and we can all attest to that by examining everything He created. Think about the sun, moon, galaxies, seas, heavens, and the earth that God …
You Have Something: The Power to Create.
A philosopher once said, because you think, it means you have a mind. Having a mind indicates you exist. The race of life is challenging, especially when trying to figure out who we are and why we are here. Sometimes we assume that others have it better than us. All these assumptions have nothing to …