Let the Battle Begin!

The greatest battle to be fought is currently ongoing, and it will continue until the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our fight is with the father of lies; that is the devil himself and all his manipulative ways. Even in this very moment, you are right in the middle of this battle. It started the moment we began to process information through our brain and our mind.

The arsenal used by the devil to lure us into become his captives started long before we could decipher the difference between truth and lies. Any information, idea, knowledge, imagination or perspective you have that has become the basis of your beliefs, philosophy, or principles, and which are not from the Word of God, are all lies from the devil himself.

An average believer is in the cobweb of lies and deception; struggling to understand the truth of God’s word and apply it to their situations. If that is not the case Jesus would not have said we will know the truth and then it will set us free (John 8:32). Free from what exactly? Free from all the lies of the devil; because we live in a system that is filled with lies and run by the father of lies? (John 8)

These are the challenges we are facing. Our minds have become so convinced about some lies that we find it extremely difficult to believe simple truths. And because we have lived on these lies for so long, we deal with a tug of war between the truth of God’s word and the already formulated ideology, philosophy, and principles learned from the system of this world. Our mind won’t let go of these beliefs and our brains will keep fighting the truth because it is foreign to us. Therefore the war within us continues.

Just one word from God will change our lives; but the devil has already built a hundred lies in resistance to that truth. And this is where the theory of doubt originates from. Once we have doubts we become indecisive; and the result is a lack of stability because there is no resolve.

Never stop speaking the word to yourself, even when it is contrary to every thing you have learnt or were taught from childhood. The only way to win this battle is to face it decisively and not in a passive manner. Remember you are not fighting the devil, he was defeated already. What you are doing is unlearning his lies and replacing it with the truth of the life you have been given by the Lord Jesus.

In this battlefield, you have to go on the offensive rather than taking a defensive position. You must always remember that whatever the word of God says is the truth. Trash anything else you believe outside of God’s word and hold on to the truth of His word. The devil will attack you with suggestions of lies. Don’t stand on the defense! Attack him back with the word of God!