Fighting Strategically. 

It is a fact that we are in the middle of a battle. And it a battle with a merciless enemy. The last post was on the battles before us and our engagements in warfare. This battle is not coming to an end anytime soon, so we cannot be deceived into attempting to relax.

Strategic fighting is to engage the enemy from the point of advantage. Understanding this truth is winning half of the battle, from the strategic point of view. Because, mentally, we know we are not fighting a losing battle. We are actually fighting from the point of victory. It is therefore a decisive war because the outcome has already been determined.

Someone may wonder why we are fighting if the result has already been decided. It is because we have a responsibility to enforce our victory by holding onto the truth.

Since we are aware that our engagement is with the father of lies and his manipulative ways, enforcing the truth is the solution to debunk his lies and deception. Once we stand our ground against his lies and deceit, he will leave us alone and let us be. With that being said, we need to remember that it will not be easy. And the reason is because we have lived with these lies for so long and it has become part of our belief system.

Enforcing the truth is strategy. We apply the truth against personal philosophy, principles, and ideology that we have believed and lived with for as long as we can remember. And when we do this, everything in us will fight back; making the truth seem unrealistic. At this point, we must continue to disregard the lies and keep enforcing the truth we know. It is a major step in the process of unlearning the old lies and learning the truth.

You must find the truth about your situation and keep telling yourself the truth. Speak it loudly and boldly until you begin to believe it. Challenges will emerge while doing this because your senses will disagree with the truth. Nevertheless, you need to continue to enforce it regardless. The victory is to see things from the principles of God and believe Him.

Stand on the truth, hold onto it, don’t let it go. It is the victory, and if you don’t let go, the devil cannot do anything against the truth but to be subdued in his lies. Keep speaking the truth to your situation until you begin to believe it; and then behave what you believe. That is fighting strategically.