What Do You See.

John Maxwell, a motivational speaker and leadership skill teacher, said ‘what you see is determined by who you are’. It is having the right interpretation of what you visualize using your mental picture. When others see chaos you see an excellent opportunity for something great. While people are afraid of moving forward, you are positive and convinced of a beautiful life, because you can see beyond the four walls of your room or your office to a life full of of exploits.

It is impossible to get to the next phase of one’s life without having a clear vision of the destination. Visualizing things is like mentally feeling the intangible, which enhances the ability to create that reality we often imagine.

There are several occasions that God asked a few individuals about what they could see. If they saw the right thing, they got commended; as was the case of Jeremiah and others. The lesson here is, until we can see where we are going, we can’t start that journey.

Any journey in begins in the mind; and it begins long before we are physically in motion. The same principle applies to our lives. Can you see the next phase of your life? Do you have a clear mental picture of where you want to be in the next few months and years? Where is the next phase of your life, and how is it designed to fit your purpose? Indeed a challenging question but one that you must answer. If you cannot see it, you may not have a clue of where you are heading in life.

We need to have a strong visual concept of our next phase before actually planning and setting goals to match that level of achievement. What we see plays a vital role in where we will end up. And we have to ensure that we have a very clear picture of a desired destination that resonates in our hearts.

Each one of us has the power to create the right image of the future we want in our minds. When we are weak we should see strength; when we are down, we should see being lifted up; and no matter the barriers, we should see an opportunity to overcome. We must remember that nothing is strong enough to stop us.