Qualify Yourself for the Future

It may seem like you’re living in two opposite sides of reality: your current situation and your Canaan (promised land). Your case might be like that of the children of Israel, whom God promised the good land of Canaan; a land filled with goodies and great things. A place where they will experience a unique life.

This would be a place where they will no longer remember their toils. Everything will be favorable for them, and the fear of lack would be no more due to the abundance in that land. But while they learnt about this great land, their current situation was the extreme opposite.

In spite of their current situation, one sure thing is that the land was real and has been existing even before they had the knowledge that they will possess it. Canaan has been waiting for them for more than 400 years (Deuteronomy 8) even while they were clueless about it.

Do you think you have a comprehensive knowledge of where God is taking you in life? How many things do you know of that God kept for you with your name tag on it? Can you name all the things that God has sealed for you; waiting for you as the only authorized owner. Without any doubt, there are things preserved and reserved for your glory by God. Do not think of this in terms of religion – this is the truth, and you need to understand it.

God is not playing religion. He works with plans and agenda and declares the end from the beginning. He knows what He wants and attains it before the process even begins. And this principle is available to you to get your inheritance in life.

You may be wondering what principle I’m referring to. When people say they have a “dream”, they are seeing the end from the beginning. This is the principle. A dream is not a make-belief idea of what you want to become or where you want to be in the future. “Your dream is your credential for a perfect future.” If you do not have it, you have disqualified yourself from having a great tomorrow.

The future is already existing, just like Canaan land was; and it’s full of great and beautiful things. But you need to be qualified for it. And your dream is your qualification. So discover how to have big dreams and turn them into reality. There is no point having a dream if it’s not a big one. I pray God will give you the wisdom and courage to dream big. Amen.