Do Not Be Disappointed.

After teaching a class on August 1st, titled “Tell Your Vision“, I took some more time to review the material and understand the application of the concepts to my life. In doing so, I discovered what will be the challenge of many people in the days ahead. And this is nothing but a lack of vision.

The scriptures say without vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18). Obviously, not many people have a vision in life. And this is where the disappointment and the danger come in. The disappointment is the illusion that things will magically get better one day. And there are so many people living in this mindset.

While there is nothing wrong with being hopeful, the truth still is without vision the future is bleak. Do you have a vision or are you peddling the path others are treading? Take some time to examine this and be completely sincere with yourself. No one can create your future for you. You are responsible for walking that path to wherever you want in life according to your vision.

“The capacity to have a great vision is an indication of the potential to lead. Visionaries are often trailblazers. They have the keys to sustaining the assurance of the potentials of the future. They are not common thinkers; they see ahead of time and drive events of the future. Vision is one factor that separates leaders from followers. A man with a vision is more well equipped than someone who has resources but lacks vision. The future thrives on the visions of humans.” (Excerpt from Tell Your Vision)

Nothing will change or get better without first having a clear picture Aid your future in your mind; and then pursuing it. You must catch the vision of your future before it is too late. When you have caught itall other things will revolve around that vision. It will then become your ultimate purpose and your life.