Special Knowledge.

The capability to see and know what is going on around you is one of the most powerful assets. It is difficult to navigate in the dark; and the events across the globe are not too far from darkness. In the midst of darkness, what makes the difference is the intensity of the light you carry; and that is the power of your knowledge or illumination. There is a need for special knowledge to make a difference.

By saying special knowledge, I am not referring to some diabolic intervention or mystic ideas. The knowledge you require is as simple as a detailed understanding of where you need to be, who you need to be around, and what and why you should be involved in whatever you are currently doing. It is finding meaning in life and being free from the fear and frustration which have currently trapped many. It is knowing the realities surrounding you but also having the ability to diagnose your circumstances and know where you stand. This is the knowledge you must seek.

If there is any time that we need to focus on our purpose, this is it. Know your purpose. Find out your uniqueness. Your light is essential to be able to see through the dark times. Refrain  from over-reliance on others, especially if you are not sure about their capability to successfully guide you to your next level.

It is imperative to seek in-depth knowledge of the purpose of your existence for adaptation to the current changes. A lack of knowledge will result in the loss of many lives. The Bible states that God’s people are destroyed because they lack knowledge (Hosea 4:6). In other words, are you in tune with whatever knowledge God is sharing with you? Are you listening attentively and are you being obedient to walk in it? Do all you can to pay attention to God. You need His special knowledge.