What You Know is What Matters (Part 1)

“Who we are depends heavily on where we’ve been.” David Eagleman.

Where you have been spiritually, mentally, and physically have shaped your life. The environments where you were nurtured,  your culture/tradition, experiences, friendships, associations, things you have exposed yourself to, have all contributed to shaping your life.

Who you are is a function of the things you experienced growing up; these things have formed your belief systems. Your pattern of thinking, how you interpret the events of life and your spiritual and mental development are a reflection of where you are coming from. The conscious and unconscious knowledge you have acquired from the environment of your nurturing and your past experiences modulate your present.

Here is the question you should ask yourself; “What do I know?” What you know is the key that will open up your life up to the successes you need. But what you know had better be the right knowledge or else there’s no point. Now, how effective those keys are, and in what areas are they beneficial to you? You must be sure of what you know, the quality of the knowledge you embody, and what it can achieve. This is essential to get you to a meaningful future.

You have to understand that no one can excel above the level of their knowledge. Nothing validates the authenticity of your tomorrow more than what you know today. Just as your reality today is a result of the level of the knowledge you had; the reality you want for your future is going to be determined by the level of the knowledge you have.

One of the principles of life you should never forget is that life begins from the inside out. A chick has to crack it’s egg from the inside; trees start their lives from the seed; and the conception of babies start from the womb. Whatever any human will become, starts from the inside of him or her.

Your past has shaped your present. The future is at the mercy of what you know today. The bible stated that God’s people are destroyed because they lack knowledge (Hosea 4:6). Knowledge is your key to life. Pay the price to discover what you carry within you. It is the secret to the quality of the life you will ever live.