What You Know is What Matters (Part 2)

When you stand in front of a mirror, the image you see is how you look; but not who you are internally. But if the image in the mirror does not match your thoughts of who you are, then you are what you think.

If you are struggling with certain things in your life, ask yourself if you have any knowledge about this subject? Because your chances of excelling beyond the knowledge you have will be extremely difficult. The difference between success and failure is the knowledge that backs up the process. Many fight with their unfavorable results. Do not waste your time fighting with your results; instead take a look at your process.

Life is about cause and effect. The process is the cause, and the results are the effect. So focus on the process that produced those results. The result identifies the source of knowledge and the process. You are the source of that knowledge that is producing the results you have in your life. If anything in your life will be different, you would have to change first.

Where you have been spiritually, mentally, and physically have shaped your life.

Change is creating new experiences that will alter the way your brain processes things. Until you update the knowledge you have, everything will continue in the old patterns. And old processes will only give the same results due to the same old knowledge.

This is why what you know matters. What you know is responsible for where and who you are today. Where you have been spiritually, mentally, and physically have all shaped your life. If you are not satisfied with where your life is or where it seems to be going, then redesign it however you want. It will take a lot of discipline, but it will be much better than struggling and being stagnated in an inglorious spot and expecting change without understanding the process required for change.

So start changing the information that formed your current belief system and you will experience a new status. You however need to know what you are changing from and what you are changing to. Also, surround yourself with people whose knowledge will elevate your views about your journey in life. Seek out environments that will promote your vision of the future you desire, and position yourself where there is an opportunity to learn. Let your heart desire to knowledge (Proverbs 24:13-14) and that shift will happen for you.