
I previously mentioned the five stages in building structure for transformation: 1. Foundation 2. Growth, Understanding, and Maturity (GUM) 3. Creativity 4. Productivity 5. Distribution.
Today I will briefly discuss Growth.

What is Growth? First, growth is a process. It is the process of developing or maturing spiritually, mentally, and physically. Lack of growth is a limitation, and as such is called an abnormality. Whatever is not growing is an abnormality because it is against the principle of life.

Are you growing spiritually, mentally, and emotionally? Your growth must never stop, especially, spiritual and mental. The moment you stop increasing in knowledge and you stop advancing yourself spiritually, you will encounter frustrations. Many people are fighting major challenges in life because things are not going the way they desire. People are not getting the results they want in life, and they get disappointed. If you find yourself in this situation, check yourself and evaluate your growth.

Are you adding meaningful knowledge to your database to influence your decisions? When was the last time you discovered something new about yourself? Are you enrolled in any school? I’m not referring to college. Life is about learning; and if you are not learning, you should not expect to grow. Any avenue that is available to educate yourself about your future is your school. Learn success from those who are successful. If it is spiritual truth, relationship, and business, find someone in that field to teach you so you can grow.

A man of God once said that growth is what happens between the time a seed is planted and when it is harvested. It is what you are doing from the moment you start something to when that thing becomes mature. Seeking God is one of the ways to increase your growth in life (Matthew 6:33). Are you growing in life?