Understanding (Part 1)

We will continue examining the five stages in building structure for transformation: Foundation, Growth, Understanding, and Maturity (GUM), Creativity, Productivity, and Distribution.

The Foundation is the beginning of any process; this would be the same as planting. The second stage is Growth, Understanding, and Maturity. These three actually belong in one phase of your life. Also, this phase is where people get stuck; and some even end their journey here. Next would be the stages of Creativity, Productivity, and Distribution. If you pay a close attention to this structure it explains the commandment of God to man from the beginning in Genesis 1:26-28; but that is not our goal to discuss today.

Today we will be discussing Understanding; which is one of the items in the second phase. Growth was already discussed last month.

Understanding is a prerequisite to living successfully. People will amount to nothing in life without good understanding. Unfortunately, this is one of the most challenging aspects of our lives. We live and act daily, without a thorough understanding. It is easy to spot when there is a lack of understanding in any setting. People will disagree and limit all the possibilities around them. When you identify people with conflicts, confusion, poverty, and failure, there is a lack of understanding behind their conduct and principles.

There are things you must redefine to make sense out of life. Ask some questions. Seek for understanding of everything youare doing.  Is your current predicament a necessity to get you to the next level? If not, then why are you tolerating it? Have you explored every means to experience a change? Are there people who know better? What are the things you’re yet to learn? What are the right resources required to experience something different? How are things supposed to work and what needs to be done to ensure they are working that way? What else is required to make things the way they should be?

Define you true expectations and find out how to make it happen. Check your relationships, environments, and thought process. Are they supporting your journey? If not, change them; and watch how your situation begins to change.