Be Transformed!

People across the globe attend different schools to experience the process of transformation. The school attended by people depends on what kind of change they want in life. People attend the monastery to become a monk or nun. Those who have a keen interest to serve and defend the nation against foreign and domestic enemies attend military training to begin their transformational journey. In trainings like these it does not matter what you know or don’t know, the primary role of the trainer is to transform you into a fighter and a warrior. These schools are designed to fulfill the purpose of change by molding individuals to become warriors that are mentally and physically strong and ready to defend the interest of the country.

Transformation begins through a process of mind renewal. Information is the basis of human beliefs. How we believe and what we believe is what we see in our lives. The journey and life we are living revolve around our belief system. Our beliefs are what inform our behavior. A transformation process is not a mere exchange of information but requires a replacement and renewal of whatever we have in our minds that have kept us in the position where we are.

Another important thing we need to understand about beliefs that guide our action is the fact that they do not necessarily place limitations on us. Our limitations come from our interpretation of what we believe and what we focus on. There are millions of people who believe in God. However, a great percentage of them understand God according to their perception and interpretation of who they think He is. And the perception we have of Him becomes our reality. This reality is what affects and limits us.  If you think God is four feet tall and cannot be your partner in a basketball game due to His height, you will not invite Him. That wrong perception of who He is becomes your limitation; not God. Your perceived reality of who God is determines what you can get from Him.

However, the reality is, God is a Spirit whose height is unlimited and can play any game. So, each person’s journey to transformation is the idea of his or her interpretation of who God is and what His capabilities are. Millions of people believe in the God of the Bible but they interpret what He is saying mostly in different ways; and this is what forms our reality of Him.

The biggest battle of our lives continues to be what we believe and how we believe. This battle is fought in our minds; it remains our main battleground.  Information, revelation, and principles that will shape our imagination for transformation must contain unlimited capabilities. To have knowledge of something is not as important as having adequate and true knowledge of that same thing. God is the source of true transformation which provides new personalities that attract the fulfillment of purpose.

For God to transform us, we need the right knowledge of His will, and we need to abide in Him. Our depth and knowledge of God are determined by the amount of time we spend in His presence. No one registers in a college, attends one day of classroom instruction, and becomes a graduate. Even if it is possible to legally graduate from one day of classroom instruction, it cannot be compared with four to five years of a degree course. There is a considerable time any student will require to learn the course materials, conduct research papers, and participate in class activities, before becoming a learned person in that field of knowledge. Time is a strong factor in the process of transformation.

The transformation that involves the fulfillment of our mission and purpose in life can only come from God the creator of all things. Our education is not the main transformation that leads to the ultimate purpose of our lives. The knowledge we acquire from institutions of learning is relevant; however it is tailored to a specific field. It serves as our credential to show that we have attained a certain level of skill in an area of specialty. By no means is this a guarantee of a transformed life. Neither are the teachings and doctrines embedded in us at our various places of worship enough to change us into exactly who God wants us to be.

God is the only source of true transformation. Spiritual understanding is a requirement for transformation. Whatever changes we are relying on God for must first happen in our spirit before it is expressed in our mind. It is in the presence of God that we receive the ability to experience true transformation.

A man of God, Moses, went to meet with God on the mountain of Sinai and was with God for forty days. When Moses returned from Mount Sinai, people noticed that his eyes glowed and they could not look at his face. He had to cover his face with a veil. That is an example of a transformation that occurs in God’s presence.

If we are seriously in need of a change that carries eternal value, it is only from seeking God’s ways that we will find it. The wisdom to excel in life comes from knowing God. Our discipline is to ensure we spend more time seeking God and His presence. It is not everyone who seeks God that experiences His presence. We have to make sure we find God and know His presence in order for our lives to be transformed.