Turning the Invisible into the Visible

In the previous post, we discussed a perfect future in an imperfect world. In this post we will discuss how our dreams function to create a perfect future – turning the invisible into the visible.

It is the invisible that controls the visible. When something is invisible it means we cannot see it even though it exists. And since it exists, it is real. A good example are your thoughts. You can’t see the things you think but you know what they are. You can also translate them to action and make them visible. It is therefore your thoughts (the invisible) that control your actions (the visible).

If our thoughts control our actions, then can we always think what/how we want to act? And if we can do that, then we have just figured out the secret of controlling the outcome of every event in our lives. All we will need to do is just think what we want to act and then we only act in the direction of what we were thinking.

Everything we can see around us was first a thought, idea, or an imagination. Nothing visible emerges without first existing as just a mental picture. “Living in the reality of your dream is not a figment of your imagination but the truth.” – Samuel Falola, What You Believe You Behave. I Believe God. Your dream is that force that turns your imagination and ideas to reality.

Most of us are familiar with using a GPS (Global Positioning System). It receives invisible signals from satellites and transmits data to our GPS device to provide us with accurate directions that help us navigate from one location to another. That is the power of dreams and ideas. While these GPS signals are invisible, they are still very real. And in the same way, our dreams are also very real. Our dreams are our navigation to our perfect future; because they connect us to our destination.

If you want to know what your future will be, check your dream. And if you don’t have a dream, you have not created a future for yourself. When ideas and thoughts emerge in your mind, do not discard them. They are the reality of the future you desire. Write down those thoughts and ideas and begin to believe in them until they become your obsession.

It is easy to become worried or overwhelmed with wondering how the dreams will come to pass. But the truth is, that is the least of your worries. The conception of a dream is the main thing. Once that is established, focus on it and it will help you navigate your path to a perfect future; just like a GPS.