Seek Him for the “Main Plan”.

Any event becomes very successful through a well-planned agenda. An agenda is what the event is built on and without this nothing will run smoothly. Every effective and organized system has a plan at it’s structural base.

Political systems of each nation have a unique manifesto; this is the same as their agenda. It contains the plans and the ideology of how the party will run the country when in power. Religious organizations have agendas too. Some want to eliminate other religions and rule the world; others want to convert many and change the world. The same concept applies to circular organizations; they all have their agendas. And if you closely observe, you might understand their agendas.

However, not every organization makes their plans available to the public; some agendas are hidden and only accessible to those within the organization. It all depends on the structure of the organization and what it stands for.

In God’s kingdom, there is an agenda for each generation. The agenda is tailored specifically for each person and it fits directly with the “Main Plan” that God instituted for that generation. As a believer, it is our responsibility to ask God for this “Main Plan” and how we fit in His agenda. We can only achieve this by diligently seeking His presence. Being a citizen of the kingdom or a believer does not automatically confer on us God’s plan, except we show genuinely deep interest by coming to His presence to inquire about His plan. He says, “Call Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3

The sole responsibility of any employee is to fulfill the vision of the organization they belong to; and not their personal vision. If you are a member of any organization, you are committed to the agenda of that organization. In the same way, as a member of the Body of Christ, you are committed to the purpose and agenda of God’s Kingdom. You cannot ignore the owner’s vision or the kingdom’s vision and proceed to running your own agenda. That can only end in disaster. This type of attitude hinders the plan of God, because you might become a stumbling block to the kingdom’s purpose.

It is counterproductive, as believers and children of God, to run our race and not discover the plan of God for our generation. Following the majority or following a popular belief is not always the best approach to understanding God’s agenda. One can easily be misled by a generalized set of beliefs; especially when the majority are all doing the same thing. We have to remember that as individuals we will all be held accountable for our choices.

No professional athlete will randomly compete in any event just because they are an athlete. They will have to already have an agenda for the event. People who have been recognized in any area or who have won major prizes in life, have done so in their respective fields of expertise. Running another person’s race does not get rewarded; even by God. We all need to ‘run’ in the areas of our calling. What we are doing may seem good, but that does not necessarily mean it is right.

Being a citizen of any country is a status that does not automatically teach you the constitutions or the main plan of the country. You need to learn and understand the constitution and find out the agenda. Then and only then can you see where you can contribute your part towards the progress of whatever the country stands for. Ignorance of this is why many violate the constitution of their country and get in trouble with the law. It is the responsibility of every citizen to find out what they can do for their country, and not only what their country can do for them. This same concept applies in the kingdom of God.

Learning what the “Main Plan” is, means understanding the blueprint. We all need to realize our importance in God’s agenda. You are not a citizen of the kingdom for the sake of it. As a citizen, you become more than qualified to understand the agenda and start playing your part. First you need to find out what God’s main plan is for your generation and then what role you are supposed to play. Take the time to ask God if what you are engaged in is part of His agenda. Do not waste your entire life on something that He did not command. There is no prejudice in God. What you don’t know, you don’t know.

However, the truth remains that those who seek will find; and to those who knock, the door shall be opened. It will be a mistake to go on assumptions when we can fully clarify whatever we are unsure of. So the question now is, “Are you sure what you are doing is commanded by God? Is God in your plan and are you in His “Main Plan”?” Until you seek His presence you cannot have the full details about your assignment. He wants to communicate His plans so you know what to do and where you stand.

Some politicians can tell you the agenda of their nation and some pastors can tell you the plan of God. But what they cannot tell you is how to find your relevance in those plans. You need to discover that from within you. Men and women of God can tell you some of the plans of God, but they cannot tell you how God wants you to specifically walk with Him. It has to be self-discovered.

It is our individual responsibility to seek the presence of God, understand our purpose, and validate God’s plan for our lives. In other words, your plan has to to be part of the “Main Plan”. And in the presence of God is where you have access to the “Main Plan” and understand the blueprint. Seek Him and get the on board with His “Main Plan”.