
The bridge between where you are and where you want to be in life is called responsibility. The journey of life is not abstract. It is not unattainable. Whatever we want in life, or the kind of changes we desire, and the impact we need to make are all possible. The truth is we need to cross that bridge to get there. 

Why do we have that bridge, to begin with, and how can we cross it? The bridge of responsibility is a must and it is the path that leads to where we are going in life. It represents the schooling and tutorial that we require to show our level of capability in handling the positions and possessions life presents us with. If we fail to cross this bridge, we will fail at our next level in life. If we refuse to cross this bridge, we will continue in our current position without discovering the new opportunities that life has in store for us. Our only option, and a better choice, is to be more disciplined and to get ready to move to the other side of the bridge. 

There are a few questions that we need to ask ourselves and answer sincerely – What is our level of responsibility in handling the kind of life we desire and the future we are hoping for? What is our true perspective of the demands of this kind of life? We all desire success but are we prepared to undertake the responsibility that success will attract without being overwhelmed? 

I’ve often heard successful people talk about the discipline required to maintain their level of success. Success, in a nutshell, is hard-work and pure discipline with no room for compromise. If we are seeking to live a successful life that will serve as an influence for others, we need to do things the right way by learning all the demands and responsibilities in living that kind of life. To be ill-prepared for our transition in life is to show the world we are not responsible enough for that level. Each level of success attracts certain responsibility. 

Every individual is responsible for finding out the demands of the level of success they are seeking. What is the cost of the success you desire? What will you have to give up and what other things will you have to add to your life to balance it out? Until we are conditioned to handle the demands and disciplines required for the success we desire, we may not be qualified for that height. If your new level requires spiritual maturity, how are you sure you are ready for that level? What if it is physical ability or strength that is needed to sustain yourself where you are going. Are you built up for the challenge? 

Right now, there are people going through the test of their life to prepare them for the next level, but they are not even aware that it is a test. The test really is to see what our level of responsibility is. And we cannot avoid this if we want to move forward and grow.  

The bible recorded that the nation of Israel was tested for forty years in the wilderness before God led them to the promised land. God did not let them enter the new land until their hearts were conditioned to seek and know Him. They were even subjected to hunger to teach them that the word of God takes priority over everything in life. Our needs are not as important as God’s word. The Israelites were finally led to the good land where they lacked nothing; but that was only after they had been fully tested by God. I will consider their test as God’s way of ensuring they were ready to climb new heights before subjecting them to a level of of success that they may not be able to handle. (Deuteronomy 8)

Therefore, as we continue to pursue our purpose and dreams in life, we don’t need to be disappointed with the challenges of life. They are there to test us and prepare us for our success. It is important that we go through those challenges to better prepare us for the next level. Always remember that the exams of life, like any other exam, is not there to humiliate us. They may humble us though. But if we don’t lose hope, we will overcome them and move on to the next level. Our minds should be fixed on our goals no matter what we are going through; the race of life is not for quitters. So, no matter what, do not quit! There is always light at the end of the tunnel; failure is never final. 

Responsibility is the bridge we need to cross in our pursuit of success. It is what separates our current situation from the next level of our victory. It prepares us to be better qualified for what we desire in life. When the challenges of life occur, it is our level of responsibility outweighing our challenges that will further lead us into victory. Until we are responsible enough to face the challenges of today, we will not be able to handle the challenges of tomorrow.  

Taking inventory of your current position is a good way to evaluate how you are doing in life. We should always evaluate our level of responsibility and our beliefs. How have you coped with challenges and how productive are you with them? These individual assessments are a necessity because you are responsible for your change in life. 

The year 2019 will provide opportunities to move to the next level; but we need to be responsive to those opportunities through our level of responsibility. We need to be responsible to think, study, act and work on our goals and dreams. My prayer is that God will teach and prepare us for His blessings. Amen.

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