Getting Connected

Two weeks ago, we discussed responsibility as the bridge between where we are and where we need to be in life. It is delusional to think of becoming successful in life without preparing for the next level. Responsibility is what teaches us preparation which leads to success. It is also a sign of maturity. Everything we want is possible and available. Whatever it is we need, we can have. From a good marriage to a fulfilled life, they are all possible and available. We are not restricted when it comes to having what we desire in life. It is however sad that even though we can have it all, it may not last because we are not responsible enough to handle things as we should. 

We really don’t have to look too far before we see people who have the same things that we desire. And this is to let us know that whatever it is we want in life is not out of reach. However, we don’t have them now because of our inability to connect to their source. There are poor people across the globe, and at the same time we have tons of billions of currencies floating around. Therefore, the lack of money is not necessarily due to scarcity; neither is the uneven distribution of wealth due to the lack of funds. The difference between the “haves” and the “have nots” is what connects each one to the source of money. In other words, the only caveat to success and greatness is knowing how to connect to the source of what leads to our desired end.

So, what does it mean to connect to the source? A plant will survive and flourish when it is connected to the soil in a good atmosphere. Where else will a fish survive and flourish except in the water? Where else will a lion claim its dominion if not in the jungle? Our spiritual habitation is the place of our true source. But we have the misconception that our habitation is the earth. That is far from the truth. Think about this: what makes a fish survive in water, and what makes a lion the king of the jungle without any struggles? It is their innate potential which aligns them with their natural habitat.

In the same way, when it comes to humans, our habitation is where we are created to manifest the fullness of our potentials and gifts in life. It is the place of our fruitfulness, multiplication, and dominion. So what place are we talking about? It is where we connect to the resourcefulness we need to  express our fruitfulness, multiplication, and dominion. Without this, everything is unnatural for us. The alternative is to live like a fish that confuses an aquarium with the ocean and therefore has no experience of the depths of the ocean. 

A lot of people will be successful doing anything they want if it is in their heart. But living outside one’s purpose and calling has no fulfillment. Without this connection we get frustrated and struggle to become significant in life. We are not created to live outside our habitation. Whatever is responsible for taking us out of that natural environment infringes on our ability to be fruitful, to multiply, and to live in dominion. 

Growing up in a middle-class family does not necessarily mean you and your children need to remain in the same position. Each generation needs to be better than the previous one; but until one generation discovers the secret of reconnection, nothing will change. We must be connected to the source. 

Our every breath is from God. He is the true source of our existence. Attempting to succeed in life without God is like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. We are not superman; neither are we birds. The result of doing this is going to be deadly; it is only a matter of time. 

Connecting to our true source means finding God. It is in that connection that we make the discovery of our potentials and innate abilities, and plug into them. This is what creates our capabilities for a successful life. It fosters and aids us in finding our purpose in life. What we are all looking for is not far off; we just need to be connected. Our desire for greatness in life is not a fantasy; it is possible. And what it takes to be great is also available. Greatness is not destined for some special people it is available to all. But not everyone will attain this feat unless they can discover their habitation and be connected to their true source. 

It is obvious that people will also play a part in connecting us to the right source and location. However, finding the right people that will come into our lives and help us turn things around is not very easy. We therefore need God’s favor; and we can trust Him to send us the right people to help us to our next level. Sometimes these people are around us; we just need to see and take advantage of their presence. Again, greatness and success in life are not far off. It is possible and available. What we need is just to understand our right connection and stay connected to the source! 

Our Vision

Our vision is to raise people that will know the true God and have true relationships with him according to John 17:3 – “Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.”

Partner with Us

God has promised us men and women of great integrity, great caliber, and great unction to support the ministry. If you are one of those, we ask that you partner with us as we continue this great journey of raising souls for the kingdom. We pray the Holy Spirit will show you how best to support the ministry. 

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