Understanding (Part 4): Self-Understanding II

Your spirit, soul, and body need quality thoughts, relationships, and environments, to create the effective and excellent results that you desire. With Self-Understanding you will realize the interplay between these factors. Every human endeavor is associated with thoughts, relationships, and environments.

The quality of your thoughts reflect the quality of your spirit and mind. This is something we need to be aware of. A mango tree can only produce mangoes. If your spirit and soul are polluted, your thoughts can only produce from that pollution.

Matthew 12:35 states, “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure bring forth evil things.” A failed or polluted spirit and soul can only produce failure. Therefore, what you are seeing around you is an indication of what is inside you.

Your Spirit, Soul & Thoughts

Your spirit and soul, along with your thoughts, work together to move you forward or backward in life. As a spirit being, you have a soul, and you live in a body. Your thoughts function and align with your spirit and soul to produce the relationships and environments that you find yourself in.

You did not choose your family; you were born into it. However, that relationship and environment has already impacted how you think. Your brain is developed by learning things and imbibing information that shapes your thinking process. Then your thoughts feed your spirit and soul (mind & emotion).

A polluted spirit, a failed personality, a misinformed and misguided spirit (heart), all come from wrong thoughts. And all thoughts are produced through relationships and environments. If you cannot control what you think and how you think, you cannot control the power that produces the results you get in life. 

You must come to the reality of knowing what goes on in your spirit and mind daily; because the thoughts that dominate your spirit and mind are the ones that direct your focus daily. How positive and empowering are your relationships and environments? Are they influencing you negatively? Are they conditioning you to accept the status quo?

“You have to consciously associate yourself with thoughts, relationships, and environments that vividly convey the visualization of the future you desire.” 

What is going on in your spirit and soul? What are you feeding your mind? You must know where you are deriving your ideas and thinking patterns from. If these ideas and patterns of thinking are not progressive, they need to be changed. You can change them by identifying their source, cutting off that source, and then associating yourself with productive sources.

In the next teaching, I will highlight the roles of your relationships and environment with your spirit, soul, and body. God bless you!