Understanding (Part 3): Self-Understanding

There is a need for SelfUnderstanding; I mean the understanding of oneself. Why is it necessary to do a good study of yourself? Humans are like a system with many components working to produce different things. It is this awareness that creates a better approach to the challenges of life. If you do not know them, you may be working against yourself in achieving your goals in life.

SelfUnderstanding opens you up to what is responsible for your inner struggle. Why do people struggle to move forward? Why are relationships failing? What is responsible for financial failure and extreme poverty? What is it about you that is your disadvantage to achieving your goals?

Every human is a spirit; we have a soul and live in a body. You can call this the human system. What is it about you that helps or hinders your progress in life? Is it your spirit, soul, or body? Have you studied yourself to have a Self-Understanding of who you are and how you operate?

If you have not done this, let’s take the time to highlight a vital truth about some of the things that create the results we get. I will admit that this message cannot fully address in detail this concept; but it will highlight what you can focus on for a change.

Your spirit, soul, and body relate to three major forces that control everything you do. The first one of these powerful forces is your THOUGHT. The bible states you are what you think (Proverbs 23:7 “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…”).  The second force is your RELATIONSHIPS, and the last one is your ENVIRONMENT.

The relationship between these three forces and your spirit, soul, and body is what produces the results you experience. And this applies to everybody. Until you understand this relationship you cannot control the outcome of things.

The focus here is to analyze these three forces and be careful to know how they affect your decision-making process. Wherever you find yourself, and wherever you are heading to, has to do with the correlation of your spirit, soul, and body with these three factors/forces.

Your spirit, soul, and body need quality thoughts, quality relationships, and quality environments to create the effective and excellent results you desire. It is important to know that your life cannot produce better results beyond the networking of your spirit, soul, and body with these three forces. And SelfUnderstanding will help you realize the interplay between these factors.