Who was Noah?

Noah was a popular figure in the bible; known as the builder of the Ark. His name means rest, and his family consisted of eight people – Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their sons’ wives. It was not a coincidence that in his days he saved humanity from the flood that destroyed everything on the face of the earth. His existence was significant.

Before going further, answer these questions to the best of your ability. Who are Donald Trump, Barack Obama, and Jesus Christ? Your answers would most likely be that Donald J Trump is the current president of the U.S.A. Barrack Obama was the former president of the United States. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Saviour of the world who came to die on the cross for the sins of humanity.

Now, who are you? I know for sure that you would know your name; but that is not who you are. What truly reveals your identity is your main function and the reality that your life represents to your generation. The fact that you are living in this day and age, and witnessing what is going on around the world means you are more than a spectator. You are a Noah to this generation.

Why Noah? When God had had enough of the insolence of humanity, Noah was the only person that God found righteous. Noah was found to be qualified to build the Ark and it preserved humanity from destruction. He preached to the people and was ignored. But he still built the vessel that should preserve the human race from complete eradication. Genesis 6,7 & 8.

The focus is to understand two different eras and evaluate where we stand regarding the events around us today. And there are three things Noah did that we can learn from. He listened and obeyed God. He understood his specific assignment. And he therefore preserved lives from destruction by accomplishing his purpose.

Just as God chose Noah, He has also found you. But are you listening, and do you understand your specific assignment? What is God asking you to do? Just like Noah, your life and the survival of others depend on your obedience to God. It is not enough to just be willing. It is your obedience that God needs.