What You Know Makes The Difference (4)

Here’s how you find out what creates your state of mind. What do you read? Who are your friends? What songs or teaching do you allow to saturate your mind? What ideology do you have in your family? What type of conversations do you have daily, and who do you have those conversations with? These are the things that create the body of knowledge that makes its imprint on your mind and makes you who you are and makes you believe what you believe. The IQ of the people you relate with regularly will definitely rub off on you.
Are you satisfied with your status? Do you want to progress in life? Are there things you genuinely want to change regarding you and your future? The journey of transformation begins by realigning yourself with substance that will help you get better access to the knowledge that will frame and shape your life.
Whatever you are reading must be qualitative enough to transform your thinking in such a way that is along the lines of what you want to see happen in your life. If you want to be a cook, you cannot be devoting yourself to reading books or gathering information on music. You will have to get information on cooking as this is what will inspire you along that path you desire.
Also, watch your dominating thoughts. Whatever fills your mind daily is what dictates the decisions you make. And the decisions you make become the life you will live. So check those thoughts and how you make decisions, then you can understand your current situation.
Lastly, choose people that have excelled in what you want to do and get acquainted with them; make friends with them if you can. Their conversation and wealth of knowledge will help you a lot. They will speak the language of your desired future, and it will reinforce your belief system regarding your future. You can become whatever you want, but how much you know becomes the instrument that guides your life daily. As soon as you find the right knowledge, you will begin to win the race of life (Proverbs 8).