We all know of Solomon, the son of David who became king after his dad. He had an encounter with God that changed his life. He inherited a throne from his father with the responsibility to lead the nation of Israel but he felt he had some inadequacies in fulfilling this role. So, he prayed that God will give him wisdom and understanding to judge the people; and that was it.
What amazes me about this story in 1 Kings 3 is the simplicity of the account. Solomon had a dream, God told him to ask for whatever he wanted, he asked for wisdom, and God gave it to him. Solomon therefore became the wisest man of his time. Regarding his wisdom, it is said that “… God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand of the seashore.”
Solomon’s wisdom exceeded the wisdom of all the men of the East and the wisdom of Egypt. In those days, the men of the East were leaders in civilization. These were philosophers, orators, scientists, and inventors. The wise men who came to confirm the birth of Jesus were from the East. They were like NASA of our days; searching for the next big thing in space. According to them they saw the “star” of Jesus from the East and followed it to track Him down. But Solomon’s wisdom was greater.
Let’s look at it this way – if God gives you wisdom in the same context of what was said about Solomon, that would mean Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and all the intelligent minds of our days are nothing compared to what you are carrying.
What sets great minds apart is their ability to make wise, simple and effective decisions in the knowledge of truth discovered in their areas of interest.
Samuel Falola
So what is wisdom? Is wisdom a spirit, skill, gift or some attribute? Is it possible you have it and you don’t even know? Would you recognize wisdom when you see it at work? The best way to answer this question is to find out what wisdom really is to you.
Wisdom is defined as, “The quality or state of being wise, knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action, sagacity, discernment, or insight.” and “The ability to use your experience and knowledge in order to make sensible decisions or judgments.” (Dictionary.com). Those are the simple definitions of wisdom without any complexity.
Wisdom, therefore, is first expressed in the area of interests and vocations. It is one percent inspiration and 99% focus and diligent contribution to your abilities as they pertain to the area of your interest. The wisdom of Solomon was showcased in his rulership. The wisdom of God is revealed in His creations. Your wisdom will manifest in what your purpose and abilities revolve around.
Wise people are not magicians. Like Solomon, some of them never had a previous experience of excellence. But they worked harder on their interests and purpose. Your wisdom will always show in the area of your assignments. What you devote your passion too and where your experience lies reveals your wisdom. Dig deeper and deeper for more knowledge and you will find wisdom in those fields. But you have to engage your “creative thinking” and not follow the path of least resistance. If you will let it, wisdom will definitely promote you.