
A decision is simply acting on your ideas or beliefs. On the other hand, not acting on your ideas or thoughts is also a decision on its own. Just deciding is not what is most important; making the right decision is. Every right decision we make instills in us a greater confidence for a better future.

Fulfilling our purpose in life plays a big part in our overall happiness. And making the right decision is equal to making the right changes that will support our purpose in life. However, in the same way, making a bad decision can have serious irreversible consequences that may affect generations after us.

As we continue to pursue our purpose and strive to accomplish our goals in life, we should take due diligence in thinking through our decision process. Sometimes it may require us to get on our knees and ask God to order our steps; because the truth is that we don’t know what we don’t know. If we are not in a position to tell what the outcome of our decision will be, we might as well seek counsel before making those decisions.

It is also vert important to know that good decisions do not necessarily translate to right decisions. The fact that something seems good does not give credence that it is right.

In Genesis chapter 13, Lot and Abram were relatives and very blessed in silver and cattle. But as they journeyed to find the new land which God promised to give Abram and his descendants, there was some contention between Lot and Abram’s servants. To avoid the conflicts, Abram proposed that they separate; and Lot agreed. Lot had the opportunity to choose the land he would eventually settle in with his family and flocks. And Abram choose the second option as his place of settlement.

The land Lot chose was somewhere that looked pleasant. While it was good to look at, it was a bad place to live. This land will later become a concern to God because of the atrocities of the people who lived there before Lot came along. The land was Sodom and Gomorrah.

Not too long after, Lot became a captive in that same land, and Abram came to rescue him and his family. And sometime after that, God decided to destroy this same location because of the wickedness of the people. Through divine intervention, God told Lot to leave the land as soon as possible before it was destroyed. Lot left with nothing except his daughters. He lost his wife during the process of exiting the land. His calamities could be attributed to his wrong choice.

Abram, on the other hand, continued to excel in every area. Needless to say, we should not separate ourselves from people of great intent or live among those that have no purpose in life.

The truth is we all live by God’s grace. There are times we may have thought about our past and wondered if a situation would have been a destructive journey for us if we had not aborted some of the bad decisions we wanted to make. If we had not chosen a different route, things might have been awful if it hadn’t been for God’s grace.

It is clear that our decisions can either make or break us. Decisions like the people we allow in our lives, where we want to work, what we want to do, where we want to live, and how we need to live, are very important parts of our happiness and fulfillment in life.

How we live our lives and what we get out of life is a function of the decision we make daily. In making a decision we need to take the time to pray after diligently analyzing the variables and weighing all courses of action.

Another thing to factor in when making decisions, is to always be honest with ourselves. Our values are what drive our decisions. If we are making a wrong decision, then we must work on our values. People whose values are honesty, integrity, and trust, will make a decision based on those values. They will also attract people who have the same values. If your value is living above your means, you will attract people with the same value who will help you make terrible decisions.

It is therefore important to understand what our values are. This will help us understand what drives our decision making and guide us in to making better choices.