Decide to Dream Big!

A shadow is defined as image cast on the ground or some surface by a body intercepting light ( Shadows are reflections of images. Think of your future as an image and your dream as the shadow of that image. The reality of the future you desire depends on the dreams you conceive today. We can therefore admit that the dream we conceive today is the reality of the future we aspire to live. 

At 17 years old, Joseph a Hebrew boy had a dream that sustained and preserved the world  years later. He did not abandon that dream. He knew the dream was a shadow of the reality of his future and he held on to it. Our dreams are a shadow that reveals the image of our future.

We are all heading somewhere in our lives. Regardless of if we have a dream or not, the future is waiting for us. Ten years ago, this year of 2018 has been existing and waiting to receive us; and in the same way 2028 exists and awaits. 

Let’s back track to the year 2008 for a minute. Can you remember the things that happened back then? Where were you in the various areas of your life? And who were the people you surrounded yourself with? What were your passion and goals? What were your predominant thoughts? What were you striving to achieve that occupied your mind and took your attention? Have you realized those goals? Have you fulfilled those desires and the things you were passionate about? What picture of 2018 did you have in mind in 2008? Where did you think you will be and what did you think you will be doing? How accurate was your picture? Did you write your goals out stating what you want to achieve in 2018?

Now let’s fast track to 2028. Look at the goals and dreams you had written down in 2018 to be accomplished by this year 2028. So, what are those things you dreamt of? Have you established that relationship you wanted? Did you register that business you said you will pursue ten years ago? How many of your goals did you actually start and finish? Are you now living your dream? Is 2028 how you envisioned it in 2018? 

Have you ever heard this statement, “I followed my dream.” It is a statement often made by people who have accomplished their dream; those standing in the accolades of their achievements. Those who dare to follow their dreams are those who have successfully changed our world. The conception of a dream might seem like an irrational plan or an unrealistic desire, but it leads to great accomplishments when pursued passionately.

I will say one of the ways to know the magnitude of your dream is when nothing seems realistic about it. When people hear your idea and say, “It is impossible”, that’s when you know you are in for a spectacular future that will daze the world. There is no big dream that ever seems to make sense from the inception except in the mind of the dreamer; but when it becomes reality, it benefits the world.

If you don’t have a dream or you are not sure how to dream, seek help. Ask God for understanding and pray for guidance to be fearless in dreaming big. Think of the things you are passionate about and follow your heart to pursue those things. Whatever attracts your attention and gives you a great concern could be a clue to your purpose. Discover your purpose and create your dream around it. You can think of a problem you will love to solve for others, this might also be a pointer to what your dreams are. Find out what it takes to have a dream; but don’t just dream, dream big.

Another way to start is to ask yourself, “Where do I want to see myself in 10 to 20 years?” Once that is clear, ask yourself what are the things you need to do to get there? Write down your plan of action. Take it a step further and start working towards those goals. For accountability and evaluation of your progress put a timeline on your goals. This will help you see how you are doing in your pursuit.

It is unfortunate that most people live without a dream, and some only have a shallow dream that amounts to nothing. Their dreams are only for their well-being. Big dreams are what change our world and benefit generations. Whatever your dream is, make it big and make it thorough. Some dream of owning luxurious things, while others dream of creating luxury. The difference is in the sense of value and how deep their imaginations run. It is not bad to start with a small dream. But if starting with a small dream and having a big dream involve the same concept, then why settle for less?

The future belongs to those who dream and follow their dreams. Having a big dream is a decision you must make if you really want to contribute something tangible to the world. This is a personal decision that no one can make for you. Your relevance in the future is dependent on the dreams you have today. 

We have read about Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Henry Ford and the rest, who all had passions and invented things that turned out to be the foundation of other inventions which we all enjoy today. It’s our dreams and our goals that move our lives from where we are to where we want to be. Your dreams actually do that! When you know where you are going and plan step by step what to do to get there, you have the assurance of accomplishing your desires. The first thing, however, is to have big dreams. Our dreams should be bigger than us and our needs; they should outlive us. 

We all have the same opportunity; a blank canvass on which we decide to paint the image of the future we want to see. And your mind is that canvass where you can get creative and start painting your dreams for 10, 20, or 50 years from now. Paint the future you desire on the canvass of your mind and see your future emerge.