What Is Your Environment Doing to You?

There were two tigers; one lived in the wild and the other was raised as a pet. The one raised in the wild hunted for it’s food and learnt how to protect itself from other animals. It also developed the ability to cope with the changing climate while still fending for and protecting itself. The environment it was in provided an avenue for it to develop fully into a predator.

On the other hand, the tiger raised as a pet was living with humans who provided food for it all the time. It had no reason to hunt or protect itself so it never developed any survival skills. Instead, it became totally dependent on its owners. Its nature was affected by the environment, and its innate instincts and potentials were never developed. Exposure to two different environments instilled different instincts in each of them.

We are the product of the environment where we are nurtured or raised. What we’ve experienced, who we spend time with, what we focus our time on, and whatever we expose ourselves to, will become the experience that shapes us. The environments that shape your life are not exclusive to only physical places; these also include mental and spiritual environments. You may not be able to control what is going on in your physical location, but you have all the power to determine your mental and spiritual environments.

You have to strategically find the right location where there are physical, mental and spiritual resources to support what you want in life. Once you find it, position yourself there. To make such a decision, you must however be in the right state of mind. That means being in control of the state of your mind.

So many good people with great talents and ideas did not make it to the limelight because of unfavorable environments. Are you positioned where the opportunities, assets, and resources you need to become your best self are located? Are you mentally programmed for inspiration, positive thinking, and rational decision-making? Wherever and however you are positioned today is the future you are building for yourself.

Your life reflects your level of knowledge; and this knowledge comes from what you’ve been exposed to. Make it your priority to discover how to seek out or create the right environment to preserve your future. God said, He has good thoughts for His people and a great future; but we must pray and seek Him (Jeremiah 29:10-13). We all have a responsibility to create the right environment for God to dwell with us.