What You Know is What Matters (Part 3)

Today I will share a simple truth that can create a change in your life. And I strongly recommend that you engage in this exercise.

Get a paper and pen; and analyze and document the knowledge you have acquired that has impacted your life positively or negatively. Where would you say you got them from and how? Who taught you those things which have now become the principles you live by? How have these knowledge and principles affected you? And can you say for sure which of these principles are accurate or not?

The truth is we learn many things without questioning or verifying them. And these things become the main forces driving our lives. Now this is the conclusion: your life, success, greatness, exploits, and future are all a balance between the truth you believe in and the lies you have accepted.

Where you have been spiritually, mentally, and physically have all shaped your life.

So if the principles you live by are sixty percent accurate, you will experience that same rate of success, health, wealth, and peace. In the same way, if what you believe in are lies, deceptions, or errors, then your life will tilt negatively. And this will definitely create unresolved and continuous failure until you acquire all the accurate knowledge required to replace those lies. The battle of life is always drawn between the truth you know and operate in and the lies that you allow to rule you.

Your fulfillment in life will always be a function of the depth of knowledge you have; which becomes the light that shines on your path in life. And you can only see as far on that path as the light you are using. Wherever that light stops is how far your eyes would be able to see. And just as the eyes cannot see in darkness; your life cannot excel beyond your level of knowledge (Genesis 13:15). Your level of accomplishment will also not exceed the measure of your knowledge. There is no way we can amount to anything beyond what we know.

So how do we increase our level of knowledge and gain more light? We just have to decide to learn more so we can do and be better. Until we crave a higher level of knowledge our status will not change (Proverbs 17:16). A wise man said, “Why pay tuition to educate a fool? For he has no intention of acquiring true wisdom”. Ignorance is considered the same as foolishness. The question now is: How much of a price are you willing to pay to acquire knowledge?