A Dress Rehearsal

A dress rehearsal is a common practice with the military to ensure full preparation and execution of a top-notch event in a flawless manner. The upcoming event is at that time fully rehearsed with all the participants completely dressed up in their appropriate uniforms or attires. The participants show up as if the event was happening.

On March 1, 2020, I posted a message about ‘the storm‘. It was an excerpt from the Life Impact Group seminar we had in December of 2019. You can review this message at https://spiritoftruthandfaith.org/the-storm-the-wind-of-change

The pandemic we are currently experiencing is actually like a rehearsal in preparation for a major storm. My question is how prepared are you? At this point, the source of any pandemic is honestly not as relevant as your awareness of the destructive nature of the coming storm, as well as your preparedness for it. Your spiritual and mental awareness is vital for preparing for the uncertainty ahead.

I stated in one of my messages that there is a perfect future in an imperfect world. This is true. There will be more troubles and chaos in this world. But in the midst of it, you can create your perfect future. There are people that this ongoing pandemic will not affect because of what they know and where they operate from. You need to understand that there are exceptions to the rules even when destruction is ravaging the world.

There is a secret place in God where He preserves His people (Psalm 91). In this place, you are rooted in Him, and no storm or pandemic can touch you. You need to find that secret place in God and be rooted before the coming storm. My prayer is that everything will go back to normal. However, this is a ‘dress rehearsal! So we need to be prayerful and prepared for the storm.

Get closer to God and pay more attention to His will for your life. Spend more time with Him in prayers and by studying His Word to understand His will for you and your family. Then your life will be preserved from what lies ahead. Do not take any chances; God is not mocked.

To be a part of what we are doing, please contact us at +1-804-490-5456 or https://spiritoftruthandfaith.org/contact. You can also give in support of the ministry at https://spiritoftruthandfaith.org/donate