Knowledge is the Answer!

It is scary to know that progress is impossible if we can’t access the basic knowledge of life. Someone may be sitting on a gold mine and never realize it until another person comes along and discovers the gold.

I read a story of a man digging for gold but failed after several attempts. Having spent a lot of money and time, he decided to quit. Not too long after, another person obtained a license to start working on that same gold mine. In no time, he found a commercial amount of gold just five meters below where the first man had stopped digging.

Does that mean life is unfair? No. Whatever you want or are missing is rooted in the knowledge you are yet to acquire.

There was a time that everything I desired seemed impossible. I watched my mates progressing, leaving me behind in the race of life. I wanted to attend the Nigerian Defense Academy to become an officer in the Nigerian Army, but fell short. For many years, I was seeking admission into the universities, but I became part of the statistics of those who take the same exam yearly without success. My scores were always below the cut off points. At the same time, I was desperate to relocate to the U.S., but nothing came through. I kept on ‘digging my gold mine’ year after year without any success.

But then one day, God whispered in my ears and revealed my wife to me. In my limited understanding, I thought God must have been off-track; because a wife wasn’t what I believed I needed at that point. But our God is all-knowing and we are not. I did not know that this relationship would be the key to accessing those things I wanted. With my wife being a U.S citizen, I was able to relocate to the U.S., joined the U.S. Army and got my degrees; which were paid for by the Army.

The three things I previously pursued without having any breakthrough were packaged in one thing – the knowledge of God’s plan for me. Believe me, there are answers to all of our struggles and troubles. And the answer is in knowing what God’s plan for you are.

In Hosea 4:6, God was unapologetic about rejecting His children because they rejected knowledge. Without a doubt, the lack of knowledge will always inhibit our pursuit of success.  So, whatever your challenge is, seek God’s wisdom in that area and you will be surprised by what God will show you.