How Much More You!

There is a narrative in the bible about how diligent and intelligent the ants are. It admonishes lazy people to study the intelligence exhibited by ants and to  learn from them (Proverbs 6:6-11). There is also another narrative highlighting how birds don’t sow, reap, or die of worry; and still God provides enough food for their sustenance (Matthew 6:26). Looking at these two creatures,  we can actually draw unique lessons from them.

The first lesson is if the ants can be so intelligent to coordinate themselves without a leader, and can gather their supplies for different seasons, then we are much more equipped to use every available resource for our sustenance. The only hindrance we may face is a lack of diligence. And this is self-inflicted pain; not something from God or any devil anywhere.The other lesson is from the birds. They do not observe any planting season, or work from 9 to 5 to earn a living. And yet God provides for them, because He is responsible for their provision. What this means is the birds eat where they did not labor; they reap where they did not sow. This is called favor. Others labor and the birds get to enjoy the bounty of that labor by digging into their harvest. And that’s God’s design.

If He will do that for the birds, how much more do you think He has done and will do for us? If these two creatures have this luxury of intelligence and favor, and they don’t have to worry about anything, why do we worry as if God has not given us intelligence or favored us? Jesus said, do not worry about your life. It is not a recommendation; it is a command! You have to stop worrying and start seeking God. He is more than able. Worry will hinder you from hearing from God. He takes care of the birds; He will take care of you. So quit worrying and start trusting!